Safe and Effective Earwax Removal

Microsuction ear wax removal is a painless technique for removing wax.  It is safer and more effective than common alternatives such as ear syringing or ear irrigation.

Remove Earwax with Painless Microsuction - Banbridge County Down

For Appointments Please Call: 028 4062 2411

Clinic Address: 21 Scarva St, Loughbrickland, Banbridge BT32 3NH

Remove earwax buildup Banbridge
About Earwax Removal

What is Microsuction?

Microsuction ear wax removal is a painless technique for removing wax. It is safer and more effective than common alternatives such as ear syringing or ear irrigation.

Using specialised high-powered magnification enabling the ear canal to be examined in detail throughout the procedure. The wax is removed gently using a low-pressure suction devise with a fine end to remove your ear wax.

The procedure is carried out by a highly skilled nurse with over 17 years experience working within the ENT setting and currently specialising in ear care.

Earwax Symptoms

What are the Symptoms Associated with Earwax Build Up?

Symptoms of earwax build-up may include but are not limited to the following:


Hearing Loss

Sudden and/ or partial hearing loss can often be caused by wax build up in the ear canal.



A feeling of discomfort or earache. You may also experience itchiness in or around the ear.



You may also experience tinnitus; a ringing, hissing, buzzing sound in one or both ears.



Dizziness and/or imbalance may be an indicator of ear wax build up.

Ear Fullness

A feeling of ear fullness or pressure within the ear may also be experienced.


Ear Infection

In some cases wax build up can cause an infection or discharge in the ear.

Earwax Removal Clinic NI
Earwax Removal Clinic NI
Earwax Removal Pricing

How Much does Earwax Removal Cost?

Foreign Body Removal

Microsuction removal of foreign body from single ear


Microsuction Earwax Removal

Microsuction earwax removal procedure for one or both ears



If no wax build-up is present in either ear then a consultancy fee is payable


Need Help?

We are here to help.

Make your appointment today for microsuction earwax removal

Microsuction Earwax Removal Northern Ireland